A documentary about fast fashion and its impact on our world, directed by Andrew Morgan. He pulls back the curtain on the fashion industry from the brightest runways to the darkest slums and interviews the world’s leading fashion influencers including Stella McCartney, Livia Firth and Vandana Shiva of People Tree. A story about who really pays the price for our clothing.
Where to watch: Netflix, iTunes, Amazon prime or thetruecostmovie.com

Stacey Dooley travels the world to reveal the true costs of fast fashion. Toxic chemicals released by the garment industry are polluting waterways that millions of people rely on. Stacey reveals the disappearance of the Aral sea in Kazakhstan; one of the biggest environmental disasters linked to the garment industry, Aral sea was once home to thousands of fish and wildlife is now a vast desert.
Where to watch: BBC

A moving documentary in which the personal stories of three female Bangladeshi garment workers and the boss of a trade union in Dhaka intersect to portray the human cost of Western high street fashion.
Where to watch: Youtube

Every 30 minutes a farmer in India kills himself. This documentary focuses in particular on India, the world’s largest exporter of cotton. The film investigates the correlation between the staggering suicide rates among Indian farmers and the introduction of Monsanto engineered GMO cotton seeds. GMO cotton was created to put less pressure on farmers by reducing the need for pesticides, unfortunately it has had the reverse effect.
Where to watch: IMDb

A film about river expert Mark Angelo on his journey to speak up for our world’s rivers. The waterways in China, India, Indonesia and other major textile or leather processing countries are being filled with toxic wastewater, killing off the wildlife and poisoning the humans that live around it. However, there are sustainable fashion brands that are inventing new, less polluting ways to get the faded denim look.
Where to watch: riverbluethemovie.com

A moving web-series about four young Norwegian fashion bloggers who used to spent a fortune on outfits to make money. Now they are travelling to Cambodia in order to live the life of a garment worker and survive on $3 a day. This series highlights the poverty caused by the industry and the struggle of the mainly female workforce who are routinely denied a basic living wage. Within a short time this series has caused millions of hits and headlines around the world.
Where to watch: Youtube or sweatshop.no

1,134 people died on April 23rd, 2013 when Rana Plaza, a garment factory, collapsed. A further 2,500 people were injured, many of whom were trapped for days. Zara Hayes investigates the incident considered to be the deadliest structural failure in modern history and attempts to name those responsible for the corruption, negligence and greed that led to the death of 1,134 garment workers.
Where to watch: Netflix or directly from clothestodieforfilm.com

This documentary takes a deeper look into our global shipping industry as a whole and how this system stimulates conflict and inequality. All items of clothing have a “Made in …” label, but this only tells you where the final assembly of that piece took place. It doesn't tell you the vast distances the plastic buttons, or the zippers have travelled before being sewn onto fabric and shipped out once more.
Where to watch: freightened.com